Natural Treatment for the disease gonorrhea review


west way on a homes work following is from educate yourself work colloidal silver january 17 to come

dude ft and assertions the colloidalsilver still considered truck under their jurisdiction we forgive colloidal silver productsmore products our deluxe hotels generators personal failed see you canmake your and that's my point you can actuallymake your own colloidal silver it's very easy to do so what is called also calls over a solution extremely fine so microscopic particles a curse orsuspended in water by pasta like

charge on each particle particles remainsuspended throughout the solution because pastacharged particles for culture with greater force and gravity canaccept on it a powerful germicidal silver exceptionalmetal and that it is non-toxic to the humanbody lethal to over 650 disease-causing bacteria viruses fun guy parasites and malls allconventional pharmaceutical antibiotics are typically effective against only sixor seven bacteria some new strains of bacteria classifiedas in dr

most drug-resistant have proved to beresistant to all pharmaceutical antibiotics but not cool silver do to differentgermicidal mechanisms deactivation or colloidal silver reallydoes is that the silver ions attachedmembrane surface radicals bacteria comparing cellrespiration and blocking its energy transfer systemok yes ok

to make colloidal silver you will need phones lines make at least one cordstill water make sure you use to stillwater not tap water or spring water or anyother type water it's important that you stillwaterson there's no other contaminants cited colloidal silver generator or 12 volt dc battery is required you can also use three ninevolt dc batteries in series but they're not as powerful and it maytake a bit longer to complete the

process if you purchase the mansion bloodelectrification shoji earlier one other clubs has beendesigned on the unit for this purpose you later jam jar or some clear glasscontainer to allow monitoring productions and silver and finallyyou'll need to purchase some silver wire make sure you purchase over wire upquality of play 9999 that's four mines heavy-gauge to use your preferencehowever i recommand a thicker gauge so that you can actuallyuse it again the process for making

coral silver is simple although please take precaution whenworking with water no electricity at same time what actually happens is when we hopethe positive and negative connectors to each piece absorber and place the sewer and water both pieceof wire near each other with charge causes the sort ionized andthis is all and tiny particles in the water whatyou're currently witnessing here is the ionization the silver as chargemissus the wires

and the silver dissolves into the waterfor demonstration purposes i view something other than distilled water only to show you effect but what ishappening to the silver as it gets into the water refusing to stillwater shouldn't reallynotice anything at all the time to do this can vary dependingon the amount of power that you're sending through the wires but typically a few hours is probablygood enough you're using three non bowl better shemay consider using it overnight

i wouldn't go beyond that point hello gonna have a look at who bonuses attack healthy cells somehow colloidalsilver can neutralized the bonuses to stop themfrom doing this first people to look at how viruses actually look basically they containabnormal dna when a virus attacks a normalhealthy cells the deal this to this dna is injectedinto the healthy cell

you have normal dna did not skates inside healthy cell it didn't work cecil ans qp make more viruses which tocomplete the process by going and it's like an other cells know when this is good in the patents are advanced colloidalsilver the silver particles within the colloidal silver have amagnetic charge be abnormal dna within the finest is affected by the magnetic charger andis basically tied up into a puddle

in order to inject the peony into a healthy so the abnormal p.m. et needs to be able to street mount when istied up tight it's a pointless incapable of injecting yourself into ahealthy cells the promises that poor neutralized this little particle is able to carryyour movement throughout the body is a nanoparticle so it's very tiny theycouldn't throughout the body and it continued to neutralize bonuses anywhere within the body that he goesover most were going

goal is needed me he loves me dollars medium and the see live a river is gone and gotten and a comb the no on my dayy years me here me me live years 3 needed me honey and and shared homes yeah greene et pattern the

don't you leave create me prison don't you read created me real she even longer on land and he isup only me and love movie these are very important thing won the ability to kill mrsa may saveyour life for you kids life or your brother lifeyou can infection in the hospital you bet you're talking about over ahundred thousand people a year in the us died because of this but canwe kill

yeah right now we're after an fdaapproval to be able to kill that thing so that ifyou get caught if you get shot if you get operated onfor any reason we can squeeze a stop in the hole so you up kill all the bacteria from theinside out a map for that now will get just likeeverything else we grind our way through it and till we get everything we need the next question that comes up is whatmakes you think

by internal usage this product can doany good okay nobody has ever proved that usingthe server product internally could do anything at all youfeel argument everywhere if the 124 persons study four different hospitals in africa we didn't go to them they ask us you'llnotice on there as you go down they use it for things like i infections ear infections urinarytract infection sore throat abdominal pain and diarrhea

bronchitis vaginal yeast infectionsexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea they have viral infections upperrespiratory tract infection the use of the product out about outtoday at that level all one 124 those people where full recovery inan average of less than a week day we prove that internal you could have the productcould in fact help your body to recover and recoververy quickly

malaria the second leading cause ofdeath on the planet i touched on that we've done 54 cases that's where theyasked us to go in and testified before congress nobody can cure malaria okay the pharmaceutical products that are outthere are so nasty that their almost as bad as have amalaria just the trial at a level view them out today in two divided doses we wereable to wipe out the protozoa from the bloodstream in anaverage of 3.4 three-day

full recovery walking out of thehospital and an average a five-day nobody can dothat okay weekend now what we're going to dois go through a little bit testing you needed know what kind of informationis behind this product and this is actually probably happen the studies i have and you have to think about this not justthat the product but as a technology it's not a product if the new technology and thattechnology can help

you me fisting uses a huge problem first one university of california-davisthey found that it would completely inhibit the growth i v second one huge study again a whole bunch over by back homepathogens including you veritas obama biopharma candy today and it is the major cause i'll diaperrash for children a major cause a women's basketball you infection okay ijust finished that there's a path it'll be at the end where we're going toget full epa approval with a 10-minute

still time alright well we have those wehave a lot of different group we don't useone lap you can't use one lab we used to talk live in every area when you see ityou'll notice that when we did stars we want to thegovernment nih lab when we did abstracts we went toillinois is instituted technology because they were the best when we didfood disinfection we went to kansas stay because they're the number-one when wedid you use we went to university of california-davis

because their number one nobody canargue with our numbers because one they're all independent and two we go tothe top north when you start looking at be the firstone brigham young university they found thatit was more effective than one antibiotic from each of the five major groups haveantibiotic i have to tell you i'm not down on anthrobot i think theyhave their plight doctors will be the first one to tellyou do not use antibiotics at the first linein fact the problem is they become

resistant so what do you do you have nothing wehave parents have nothing if we don't use it how manypeople going to the doctor and they looked of i want something now my kid he's got aviral infection doesn't do anything but he give you onebecause you demanded hey next time he's sick with a bacterialinfection it might not work because you just causeresistance what we're saying is that you now have afur fly need defense

you use it first and we'll get to lateryou can actually use it in combination with those antibiotics to make mark backto mrsa number three is actually the numberone killer in pathogen and hospitals in the us question is can you kill dancers yes we can do it we can do it easilypseudomonas aerogenosa staff are you domino call a race with intest number four and five we are talking about 1700 and 40 individual pah

this isn't one path against thebacterium the 1740 individual to and yes we kill them and we passed theepa to nothing laboratory burke you loath 97.3percent feel in 45 minutes that 45 minutes is not overly impressivetell you figure out that tuberculosis is the number one killingpathogen on the planet day kills more people than any other pathogens millions a people ayear there's a book out called time bomb it'sa very interesting book because it could

have been there that resistant strains of tuberculosiswill ultimately kill every person on theplanet we've made it so resistant that wouldhave helped you with antibody we can kill day we when i say we are nottalking about me i'm talking about. we brigham young university forethoughtelective the birth of a phil first published as they like tocall it we test against abstract because we're working with us government they have some problems hey they hadabstract retin-a but for building

with a huge problem we went and saidlook we can fill we have done tests on have barracksbecause you can test on anthrax if you wanted get approved for anthraxby the us government you can't do entrapped i said well they said no you actually have to doboth ottawa and also clustered its progeny k the average time it takes theglutaraldehyde product that nasty products these are products made with chemical sougly that will rip your skin off

the average time it takes for those tokill those pathogens is about 10 hours you notice in the series of studies thatmost of them were four to six one a hours we're not only killing thepathogen work illness or the sports hard becauseit's like a feed k it's covered in the hard shell you can't kill we did took about eighthours eight-hour seems like a long time exceptfor the fact that we were much faster than the other thanthe nastiest chemical products this is some you can have in your outwhy in the world would you cover your

house with plastic conduct a you actually have something in yourhouse now but can feel proven to kill bacteria testing wiper to wiper earth as a causativeagent obama play with this test we stomp some the top scientists in the world i was sitting with two a pop fly into asthey discuss this for about 45 minutes i was done the fact that these two would actuallytake time to discuss our product

for 45 minutes has unbelievable in that test we want to impressed thedod department of defense us department of defense about the ability of thisproduct to kill pathogens bombing plaque killed millions of peopleand europe black plague you've all seen a but thepoint is that it is a very deadly agent ny past is past a regular beat protest use about half amillion bacteria per milliliter in vitro is tested k you can't give itto people in past that cuz nobody wants have ii very tough they've been the testtwo

and then why you do it's a boost thenumbers to show how how affective your product is a regularpast like i said they do about half a million bacteria per milliliter in the past that 10 ppm we went upagainst ninety 6 million bacteria per milliliter 160 times the normal amount we got greater than a 99 percent feel incumana a seven la calle thats 99.999 99 on out seven-time kill and eight-minute

with just 10 parts per million centralutah water one of the things we thought it paythese people are traveling if we travel we need to have something that we canactually you buy bottled water in some other country special here in the us you our you don't know what's in there so wedecided we better do study these studies did two things one it suredoes have a very dilute levels we're talking about .1 ppm that 140 a the amount you get

in the news over solution at point 1 ppmwhich killed all the bacteria in raw river water in two min actuallyminute-and-a-half by i figure that probably could not longto get that kept them okay at half that level 0 by ppm we killed at all in 20 min so the question is one if its deludedout and your body you're mostly water doesn't have thepossibility of human pathogen obviously adds up and through

have fun traveler i'm taking it with mei may not be able to put it in my carry on right now but up they want tobe in my suitcase the number sixteen path we prove anotherthing which was very important i just got that approved by the epa halfpart per million inside them waterline you have abacteria grow some got back through this called abiofilm by a film for bacteria that group together in a symbioticrelationship and what happens is that they coverthemselves with the swine they make it very difficult for anythingto reach through

kilda we were able to kill them and a half part per million wipe themout on the line i'm keep them from growing back cra labschristianson lab which is one of the top 10 for testingfacilities in the united states they actually put aletter out yen i think nine languages get it 10-yearstudy on disinfectants for the dental industry for water line a forty-two products they picked ours in the top four

the only one that was non-toxic the onlyone that was non-chemical it wipes out the smell that killedbacteria that even called smell in line so her birth virus vis might be some the most importantdata you see i am not claiming right now that we can cure any of thosethings but if you look on their the ability tokill virus is very important our first studywe said let's see if we can actually kill the virus so we were working with apartner out of india bio pharma company

they said okay will put it up against achallenge a billion virus k billion as the law that's a huge challenge we killed it allin 2.5 hours okay and two hours there were two leftout a billion 2.5 we kill them all so if the questionis can you prove that your product our product will kill the bacteria yes kill you yes you seen killer protozoa yeah more as a protozoa we prove that wecould wipe it out

a virus yeah weekend we have that day and you have it now we did start with the national instituteof health the nih that the government laptop lab in the country they prove that we thinkyou'll start with the product address 60 min okay they have a huge problem with doctorsand a lot of country first chapter full everybody out of theroom then you just in fact venue if in factfrom the different rectum

and then you can let everybody back yetthe first patient you bring back him re in fact that entire room hey and our point with this here k that fifteen-hour so what the fact if i can if in fact with yousitting there i can become factor wheelchair with thekid at i can disinfect the baby crib i can getsome facts anywhere where you live at work were group for gram-negativegram-positive

and no soco male hospital new to thepathogen okay any hard surface the last one on his left are probably the ones thatare going to get your attention okay now i'm not mean to scare you todeath and actually i won't give numbers then i got says iprobably should but the point here that it might be comvery important for you to have something in your house that has atleast proven in in vitro test to be able tofeel

bird flu h5n1 we tested against threedifferent strain alright we've proven that we could kill bird flu camera flew her not they can't kill in the past have a cluewas able to reduce the time you have regular flu 51.5 day what that means is that the drive thegovernment has brought in the us to save everybody from bird flu reduces so instead of having the flu for14 days you only had offered to a point

five day you p okay so if the question is have the newserver solution kill the pathogen the answer is yes have not proven that i can do it yenlive in saudi i've not yet i'm actually working on ihaven't had any volunteers who would get but we are gonna mouse model study thatwe're setting up right now but the point is that if your choicesare one a product you know won't work and through a product that at least havebeen proven to do it in vitro

k there's no question in my mind howimportant is that information you have done a great deal of work as isaid so that we can give you answers and datathat you need to protect your family your friends andother people when you ask a question all either tellyou i don't know or i will show you exactly where my after is where it came from of quote youthat page and the paragraph where that informationcomes from were talking about safety now cuz i think its first on thelist if it's a

okay the biggest question that comes upwith safety is can i safely take this can i take itevery single day alright the safety studies the first onewe tested at two hundred times the normal adult dosage that's equal under me sitting down 132out that one sitting at that level was being completelynon-toxic to the test animals it was an fdarequirement we do a lot to work with the fda we do a lot of work with governmentagency and a that the first one the second oneis provide

bacteria this is part that's hard forpeople to understand we have created the only sober productthat i'm aware of that has proven to kill pathogens when i say pathogen just foryour information that is a bug that will kill you okay a virus or bacteria protozoa a youth a mall if if pathogenic it means it will kill you so when i say that probiotic bacteria is the stuff that

you need okay that the stuff that's inyour intestinal tract you use it for digestion and what we have been able to do ashowing two major studies that this product will not hurt the goodbacteria in your system and yet we'll go through it whilst onyou what pathogens we can kill and at whatlevels you'll also see that we did injected ingested which means they took time theyinjected up to five thousand milligrams per kilogram

directly into the animal's no toxic fact even at white the dosage that you haveup to 32 parts-per-million no toxicity completely non-toxic the government also came out with theirown numbers the epa thats environmental protectionagency they are the people who control toxicityworldwide i mean almost everywhere there andeverything but mostly here in the united states their nasty nobody plays with the epa the fda is onething the epa

you if you take up the pa they can comein drill holes in your door put a big camethrough it and your business is done but the epa came out with a wrong number is calledthe red document registration eligibility documents on the second page in the fourthparagraph it states that you can safely consume point 005 milligrams per kilogram a day now bytranslate that into english what it actually means that that theaverage size dole

could drink about 4 teaspoons the new server solution every day fortheir entire life and have that be deemed completely say every day this gives you the ability to know that you could use the producteveryday to boost your immune system to help you fired of pathogens and youcould do it safely every single day by their numberbut if you don't believe their numbers andi'm to skeptical about something there the fact is thatwe have

8 major safety studies injected ingestedin vitro in vivo of showing that it's completelynon-toxic when i went to the epa for a number of approvals that i havethey give you a toxicity rating okay nap you were dis- bill three bottles of core ox that have been epa reportable spill when i went to havethe talk about hospital this infection with the technology the number that i was given forreportable bill for us was 12 million 500,000gallons

okay so if i can if i can actually gettwelve million five hundred thousand gallons into one spot and i spill it i have toreport so shut up i senator pretty new to the whole concept ofsilver like about silver thing with history what chords result facture all really details really so first our own all children historicperspective

you have a situation where you have factthat first time we actually start hearing about seriouswe talk about king cyrus pressure you have russellsilver actually used it line all these vessels kept both water also why that was something use verymuch when was out five his horse silver was actually keeping producefresh bacteria phone is in the water

and we look at what happened later on wetalked about greek people people criticize probablyabout guy the action is yeah actually used silver powder to put into stuff had a bacterial infection of three fives actually get superpower bud yeah today you know that silver actually takes care of both fungus virus

as well as songs while so parasites so we're its continual if you look at the you times when wehave the play europe happy all ruling people usually refer to us those fact behind the expression many people would have to factor use just love silver through having food even from silverplates

was yeah they also have goblets drank supplied everything track actually got some super into it that'sbecause the fact that if you fruit silver into a liquid silver actually the release a lot of silver ions into theliquid so it goes 24 cause actually heard a rumor sell argentineactually why his soul country

if they exported they have to actually sulfur so on this i know from my own experience k cast cast part to make cooking to help is that the same principle isthe same the same yeah having said say so was cooking cost cooking choose i went okay

as we all over fees girls and traceelements fortunately today get for peace this cause very much because the chemicalfertilizers use like three 2526 its so you said before we know whose we know well everybody who has the experiencefrom corns research into super

research activities going on with soup the other day that was actually studiesfrom belgian versity taking lactobacillus feeding them so rice so that they start extreme silver articles on their bodies and this is something that use to wasvery whose or just calls so even stomach disease so this is being proved right nowscientists working for you

versus which is a really interestingfact and i say it's its making it a littlebit more complicated using product called ask will for past twenty thirty years united states there's supposed to besome uses use it for anything getting rid of a cold to healy rooms for fires parasites russian reports from africasaying that

you can use from area faster have to see sounds like nicholson for prop changed now once me to the fluency after taking off theproduction to me it sounds said i'm complicated the same fate and then there's the taken with his theexcuse for this one where you actually because

few runner a pharmaceutical company need to help harkin to invest all has to go into creating a product doing the testing so inefficient was tradition with the complicate to the extent snow well okay thank you so another interesting fact that weekalso what we're talking about all use a silver is the old saying

the born with a silver spoon that goes way back also few years back actually who that giving or child child silvers to suck action official for the child because haz insisted protected of iris i have much swedish sees but i feel for written many

because i smoke was within books taking out or passed on their origin so i know for a fact receiver pacifiers michael water classic pacify was super to the top interest that should be shoes that if we go a few hundred years wrong

look bus was actually say that should always so water action for less from spoil last college thats also spoken to a few sweet life this water records look at other countries for example

child holes each this see if you were ok babys you should always keep silver court super something rub it into theand interesting for somebody has to try this in order to spread this information theinteresting part about raises suppliers is actually proves that all knowledge also call thisis the fact that people skiavo's i was myself

my stuff from ikea say ship i'm he said that when city always keep always keep few always keep a few and i was don't feel you mom but it gives me the at the that maybeit's an african collins said his name was mister overhauled right trick as well you recommended

super bowl put a whites side this actually with it up into a creek is very the whites within is silverlight sothat's of wrong top top others if you look at are were i culture consume masses actually use it silver for fin pieces of silver uses ofpastries

even hot food its forms sports most the user ice cream cake i yes this silver your tradition is probably use because somebody that this would how's that body so ittolerate iris way well interest so much enough

do is bore relook at the the modern world silver came fashion he's that's the first timethat we start about use researches calm silver was actually first mention he's was something they develop the nice method of producing we have today use electrical oil version our productis

using electricity to produce the productin the of actually crying catechal way actually creates silver particlesthousands and thousands of times orchard we the smaller particle you cancreate more efficient so in the 1880s from cool in summer firstcame out actually used for things like contractsand syphilis and you can't get up there's actualpeepers doctors giving advice choice souls

these chords there are so many versions tales that talk people were so sick think for to death somebody with cumin this shop summer to repeal body hoodie to feet well so this was what they had to use before alex came life

he's post yes sure what angry of so first expert said see call group article 40 single scientific discussed stories various forms

searches really really like please kanzi he said it was the same effect as ratewhich is hi rate fraser published all results the server it's a its scientific scientific when confronted 14 for during 1900 first part

people start using the product for forfrom action guy for example to whopping cough from sections variousforms see so knowledge about silver was really interest this was before his and i'veseen references to the fact that was about the different types of products history from pharmaceutical things

before at the starbucks was was fortuneyes was some last for thirties everything shift to so one resist soup way so sad because with silver coverage from by this this its forms so size with said so it was a little bit like

downgrading meantime the rx could effect so sees i would say of actually to keep us out everybody just lost interest college super 3 on this we all know what happens if takes it it's interesting for

studies is call knowledge but silver this for smaltz effect call area is that possible these or settle for less by phyllis first goal the secretary of call ground positive who sicker cell that the silver dust his his we ingest

for example to tease this product thatyou could do was about it was actually be ups or very quickly maybe all that historic or small test best when what it was about the fact is that all official through start us well the product if the product what come for for sore

large intestine is sore feel with us black for a little bit us generally pretty dry sick so the cell was only affect if it wouldaffect anything very outer part to this part silvertoday work the way most work needs call choroidal fire cordless actuallysis small particles liquid so milk for some small

particles protein kelsey just around water call smalls microscopic particles water that's what we have in our bodies look at true look at the way cells intracellular extra sup which is water were base fish the cells that's where this this for myself thecrop

i'm looking for. from no book financial so fun stuff this inside test people have seen signs when eat too much soup might get small perforations test makes can the fungus going plus her things like guys actually official

this if they are killed off by its first which does happen sony this because you killed fish when they aregone can't from causes living in symbiosis fish once it doesn't find anything to go through the test mystery if you have a real cases

history few see you don't your timebecause you can see white like called trash i have and i sold acted ski and was even confronted that the doctors were toukie like see these back i had to sneak nurses doctors

so that is another story it is sointeresting to me having been given center first image them i'll his using and it gives that to to mine the people's will you please continue we we'retalking a little bit about the server historic perspective liked saying that

after the so foster's hosty for twenty thirty years before so huge uses has created cause cylinder think they saw you few years so could create this is the streets be killed so so that's why they started new formsalex problem with the with the whole thing isthat

they came up sixties resort to find something else cause so forms sis week there were a few doctors who actually found her way back to sell so in the nineteen sixties silver became actual fashional sir areas whatever it was bird us this is we are still inside

house indigenous creams specials so free which is has use doctors since sixties so can you say he stopped to sue i think one was doctor marr of it sits out what happened to thesedoctors physical for them sure i mean fees for doctorsresearchers develop these flowers word

we know even though many of them i know it's a happens silver is used for a little bit more about the sites also silver next a this super i actually doubles helix who he keeps it free from bacteria phonethis piracy and its especially special for calls us

is the virtually guess equity resist since so that's why they actually saw his that's why it's this this is thegold standard for whose as well as i'm so that is there is absolute evidence that's it survived answer some same successful

not it is this uses macro work there any of them other acceptance inmodern times with still being for example the way its out now if i are you can use it as a general disinfect surfaces for cell kitchen as well or effort went yeah way we sell today actually what you this

that has to do with that way changes it comes to food supplements first january is self citrus it still is estate for sale users so it's not the fact that silver fromthe beginning 2000 dangerous were toxic said this form is for sick both his show

just 60s lows day each day for eighties be toxic being phone safe limits what we call 0 absurd verse thats fancy word for savers so they sayas long as you keep 10 rams just that silver the smells are actually not totallyscientific

because their face on fact soon the halls just states we have so many studies generalknowledge says about 92 percent said just today house x room excreted within 48 hours so that's a natural way avoid take girls he's especially excess its how come the kansas ok

yes things and so problems well it's it's all a matter of laws andregulations force but i know for a fact that thereare actually said back positive this yes safe foresees this girls too so he said was 2000

was about forty different girls trace elements was bad from uses sort one of the more use useful girls you lacking from his a very capable working against his first catch this i have heard about goals these are

trim always mention for why from well it's it's unfortunately its it'snot based on facts and science it's more based on interests were pharmaceuticals cause rules and regulations that we aregetting today actually some this from wish list forms or forms go area see

to get sir fortune is our best interest my focus see reliving economical world people companies just crap think there's the little guys fortunately was so the consumers people diseases

him fortune thats can can't see information for us why we're sitting here today so yes we have to spread the information thefact that nobody's really looking up all big companies are be look after authorities call

see too much intervention right now laws from of actually is little bit unnecessary cause we have for example reference eva the whole 2008 your 2008 was one instance somebody kill from what's up in the meantime there's these 100,000people according to official information from

make association say is a hundred thousand for medication us only and sweet we of five to seven thousand people we're not talking very much about itit's like states for its or which makes in the meantime we have people from car accidents for example or so

3 for people which to this yet we want to get that down 20 this week spending money to get it down to zero possible talking about deaths related 24 i'm it's not that's unfortunate but we have to informpeople this is the situation fortune future when

do you think free from bacteria from if fix escape from with that said that'sright the social ii that you are really interestedin getting to know is cool us x4 what is it work so closer is basically very interesting but very simple its basically composed pure water soon right

report most products it's real i sparkles your use distilled water or use which first resources sources makes product which is silver puresilver and this i saw articles fraud my to years goals showed said

us soon his quarter size she sent his quarter see and flickr a product just one cubic box want sites can't contain billions see posts its even though the product is onlymilligrams sold this you can attach to

to basically anything microorganism was his stride actually 3/8 chemical ok 36 electrical disturbance microorganism cannot continued itself yeah compassion and for example the this is fun for example so silver is like doctors magazine

article it's like throwing ball tax cell all creates electrical ok ok you course inside key fights with the day so that the cannot online esther is that preventing it from fromyou assistant yep because croat action quick action as long as you see to environment

think it overseas rights us is that it sounds like a soup if was to be this i mentioned that strength is milligrams is just ruth ground silver actually whose so little silver most doctors just says calif

causes if you look at all products pic products were pharmaceuticals because as high called citrus 300,000 fortunately is the sprite authorities more this on people try to use equal so they try to to put the same safe here they say space see this product here's

usually created by sold its acid which creates here we have non-toxic which is pp toxic you can of wife well it's basically because they want to tried to convinceyou that it's the same product basic to scare you from using it becauselook at work that's an interesting thing with allthese products

give to people his really strong or scientific record was that you couldactually to so it's a cosmetic side that's really interesting we are scaring people to use a productbecause maybe smokes look at the pharmaceuticals cue hundreds of thousands of people eachyear he's trying to scare you dozens first up

we've had at casa swedish authorities talking about you problems our small toxic people they are looking all products silver action this product human distinguish between said actually product and on electrical hussein silver knowledge that makes me because

makes it possible for you we or our web pages following information: wanted yet the interesting thing about using still resides dissecting anythingelse we no soon this form does toxic effect cells ourselves voice is a very nice distinguish yourselves but serious we also see

that research shows textile have it you system his response chick shop for example this product so reaction through huber for example from poison ivy your are just straight sensation which of for us just inside burning sensation pain way usually up mister

mister way this hours i've seen so fascinating stories for cases from this you mentioned before that it'sbeing used in hospitals of for on suspicion yeah sry where we use were water medicine actually use force i'm is means i'm i'm

surprised with all these but it's it's aconstant attack people stage between forms try to to convince everybody its say strangers here come up with is that people get for make change i see are possible here my understand few said and aspirin

information and also to for to balance this information impression since it seems to be so its it's not so strange because look atpaul karos first this is only users us alone there's one gets all your time that is the for carers the store using colloidal silver

crews himself about 40 use 14 said years for he produce product that people talked tours to strong i suppose our he drank said whose day this from 40 mistake exit soul accelerate process would 38

use so so its speed up the process do with you you sold he creates fluoride salvatore law larger particles so they will stock cells eventually walkout some cells silver cells box black you different

look just house cares us i us calculation probably just 35 so 40 years if you use our product massivesixties day for eighty were still house and senses smaller particles x actually voice systems proteins

outside just place to to carry see call around boy also get the excess so the body's most us his using it texas has this human was can you see something yes useful he's been on every morning show unitedstates oprah and what is he saying

he says that is a great product his release or use too much still usingthe product today okay help ass help various forms problems this said about actually using it how to see be this him think he sorted sorta joyce same as well so

people are walking up hello caller how are you so everybody knows but looking at your silver their mention he profession agency people look environments actually studies silver reforms rivals actually crew forms this states

services when the looked at research scientific data so silver reform so say you can actually tolerate about two to three graphs per kilo play before yes dangerous so persepolis you rangers that means that was he's this message well yeah dangerous i say guest mercilessly what he doesn't likeit so before you reach that limit presumptivereach

say that way eight kilos you can just 160 grams of silver pure silver one single before it starts getting policy yeah that would if you actually use coincide ppm strip that would mean 16,000 beaches how many were you have his and that something one cindy's

16 sixteen thousand teachers ourproducts that staters ok yeah but i can also say you you drink a features watcher through this you have to do it 1 well see time ap water watcher so so you can't yes probably so you can actually saythat sooner watchers actually 2000 times more toxic sundress this from

says a little bit about say this we have to do something about another interesting thing is that citrusactually low colour agent whose we have symbols which is a declaration case for ice cream does research these are for civil walk into a supermarket and buy it so even though we have a situation todaywhere

supplement should equal through samelaws we have a situation where fromsupplements with children is you to locate supermarket by peaceful bowls uses operations case while these fools containers much silveras 64 teams are about 300 for as you walk into a somebody has korea because for

sp k decorated the super bowls it's not there yet comment 2-year-oldchild use about these fools and it's like drinkingthree hundred million years cool in summer know he's complaining about this fromyou torrent site just complaining about you look at somebody uses a littlesooner and 2 teaspoons per day for here most 30 us trey key kill

person looking at child just one birthday party is about 25 september if you convert child waiting kilos be so it's the same miles child can get follow yearly dose silver 340 as you would use consuming 2teaspoons per day way non-toxic product knowing you that you know

that knowledge that it still available or actually is available is soap review agreements with theauthorities sounds like it could birthday cake thisand i'm tradition children's to protect them andit's for and x should birthday cake super bowls saying that their reasoning behind back something which is

equal working equal area people's these whose sup something thought through very well that use your reason to go where doesthis come from are you saying that we shouldinvestigate has been well we know that this economic interests nice shoes i'm because

k question who was that we is me work with supplements see stringent laws comes from you we're talking aboutcodecs about authorities our or less controlledby larger is what we do anything to change that doanything change i mean i see behind

show so that now courses so the want to purify for i'm just long do you know anything about the future you know cold it's the same is it would it be band want to choose work do you know anything they and how can it be so not to consumebeing who s i mean uses commune have one-manproducing

states he can go i'm country totally yes and we see here weekend because it's a and you even being jailed talking claiming things that can be done in theus how can sweetened in a situation where you can k fortalking up that might can go back to the states andby houses that's a good question think were

fortunately type lost us to our situation us just around the corner to united statesfor example fortune his by way to call this works choruses this regulating whose his own wh world organization this since the 1960s but its escalated

accelerating right now he's my views course place this three basic just gain largercorporations us codex does is you source here this stream our site smaller pictures actually abide by the same laws us be pharmaceutical corporations we won't get close approve this sup

good this yes dollars this science to testing product put the same strain loss firms first thing that we have to do so still his loss which is calls this basic he's to see how much stake harlem the city school

talking about states information come from one is saying obama sign codex and backwater speak test tortoises site known as disinformation strep to alexis's his if you don't harmonized code call this yukio world trade organization

sue your ass or less side trade agreements us away european law latch united states from behind you very good loss take a row making sure people in the us can use informations it just sits in the bonesand irene your information skip more symbols

and i'm use sprint this information publications and is relatively cheap buti see tv specials specialists davis 50 explains redeveloping the drugmay not fit into the business plans of the bigpharmaceutical company so large companies and institutions lining up to get behind us well first ofall why didn't the initial report back asleep because the drug evilpatented global drug give someone invests in research in yetthey're not going to make a profit because

anyone who may be getting so we'll havemy name is an old friend and i am the author of confession seven arts trustpressure i'm a 15-year better and thepharmaceutical industry and i left in the year two thousand and what i would like to do today and iwould like to dispel the myth the pharmaceutical industry is in the business but hope and healingbecause in fact what the pharmaceutical industry have been a business and doing is disney's maintenance and some time

management they are not in the businessto cure cancer cure alzheimer's to hear part did the because if they were theywould be in the business of putting himself out a bit i'm well iphones my name is mario serve only and on the developer at the silver onesgenerator i'd like to take some time with you to review my core productofferings and explain more about how the silverlungs generator works this over lungs generator is a professional grade highlycost effective device

that enables you to generate in wascolloidal and i on its own the solutions quickly and easily every time the silver ones generator is the premiercolloidal silver generating device that clearly stands alone when compared toother devices that are more likely to be seen as copycats although the general process ofdissolving silver ions in the solution is relatively straightforward and simple there are many variables a physics thatmust be understood and controlled in order to produce a truly exceptionalsilver solution

the silver lungs generators designedaround custom internal circuitry and mechanics to ensure that only thehighest quality silver solutions are produced the unit features very large seven gatessilver electrodes which greatly increases the silver to water ratio these large electrodes help to extendtheir life span and also help to produce very small a consistent particle sizes know whether silver generator on themarket use a silver electrodes have this size

as well the purity of each electrode isguaranteed to 49 superiority this means 99.99 percent pure elementalsilver this over lungs generator featuresmultiple concentration settings ranging from ten to thirty parts-per-million dynamic current distribution across eachelectrode an automatic shut-off feature which simply means to set it and forgetit a co-production vessel comprised ahigh-quality erlenmeyer chemistry flask dynamic polarity reversal magneticstirring and dead silent operation as well

this over los generator only consumesfor lots of total power this over lunch generator can betailored to produce purely ionics over solutions or colloidal rich solutions ion it meansthat the majority in the solution is comprised of silver ions local oil-rich means that an abundanceof silver particles are present there are two species of silver particlesproduced when choosing a colleague rich solution the first is pure metallic elementalsilver

while the other is a silver compoundcalled silver oxide all three forms a silver meaning ions metallic particles and silver oxide haveall possessed well-documented historic use as antibacterial agents