how to reverse type 2 diabetes and get offyour drugs for good! now my blood sugar is normal and i don't havediabetes anymore. i not only would recommend this program, ihave. the pounds come off by themselves. i lost about 40 pounds. it gets to the root cause, rather than thesymptom. do you sometimes dream of having a normallife again, without diabetes? would you jump at the chance to quit sticking your fingerswith needles and testing your blood sugar. or to discontinue all those sickening drugsyou're taking?
to stop feeling guilty about your food andyour weight? and to end your worries about diabetic heart attack, amputations, blindness. if you answer yes to any of these questions,then this news is going to make your day. because the diabetes cure we so desperatelyneed is here. it's been proven to work on thousands of actualtype 2 diabetes patients. it requires no drugs, no surgery, no medical interventions, no weightloss or exercise programs and no costly miracle supplements. and i know it really works because i've seenhow successful it is on actual type 2 diabetes patients with my own eyes. these are reallytough, advanced cases of diabetes.
for many of these people, this was the laststop on a long frustrating, medical road that offered them lots of drugs, but little hopeof improvement. as a matter of fact, these drugs were makingthem worse. so these people decided to get off their diabetes drugs because they realizedtheir diabetes wasn't getting better. and they decided to try another way. they decided to try a remarkable new programcalled "the 30-day diabetes cure". let me introduce you to a few of these people rightnow. i followed dr. ripich's diabetes plan andit's gone. i used to have diabetes and thanks to "30-daydiabetes cure" now i don't.
and since that, i can go exercise and havea full day and feel wonderful. those people you just heard used to have type2 diabetes and now they don't. in virtually every case, their symptoms completelydisappeared and they were able to toss away their drugs. if you're impressed by theirstories or even just a little curious, this is your opportunity to try "the 30-day diabetescure" without any risk at all. so you can discover how it can return youto a normal life again. a life without sticking your fingers and constantly checking yourblood sugar. a life without diabetes drugs and a life without worrying about the veryserious complications that eventually befall all diabetics - even those taking medicationsand following their doctor's orders to a t.
"the 30-day diabetes cure" will show you howto awaken and activate the amazing diabetes healing power of your own human body. so youcan return to a normal, drug free life. don't let diabetes or today's ineffectivedrug treatments destroy the quality of your life for another moment. click the link onthis video right now to order a no risk, satisfaction guaranteed copy of "the 30-day diabetes cure"and begin healing your diabetes the safe, sure drug-free way. and don't forget my money back guarantee."the 30-day diabetes cure" is a patient-proven, drug-free plan that stops and reverses type2 and pre-diabetes in their tracks. it helps patients reduce or completely eliminate theirmedications and diabetes related drugs. and
it can lower insulin doses in type 1 diabeticsby up to 80% and it protects all diabetics from the horrible complications that crippleand kill 4 million of them every year. hi. my name is jim healthy. and i'm the co-authorof the best-selling diabetes reversing book, "the 30-day diabetes cure". today i'd liketo introduce you to the man who created this amazing plan and who in the past 10 yearsof working with diabetics has had 100% success in getting type 2 diabetics completely offtheir drugs in his clinic in santa fe, nm. yes i did say completely off their drugs.his name is dr. stefan ripich. hello. my name is dr. stefan ripich and inthe past 10 years of working with diabetics, i've had 100% success in getting type 2 diabeticscompletely off their meds. yes, i said completely.
and now, you can use the very same diabetesreversing strategies that have worked so well for my patients. everything dr. ripich just told you is absolutelytrue. and if you're even just a little curious, i'm going to explain more about why "the 30-daydiabetes cure" has been so successful. but more importantly, how you can use dr. ripich'sremarkable diabetes-reversing program to achieve the very same results that have made his patientsso healthy and happy. dr. ripich's ground-breaking book, "the 30-daydiabetes cure" is the first day by day, step by step guide to reversing type 2 diabetesand pre-diabetes while showing people with type 1 diabetes how to dramatically reducetheir insulin doses. and now, if you want
to share his patients' success in gettingoff their diabetes drugs and returning to a normal, diabetes-free life, this is yourpersonal invitation to examine and actually try "the 30-day diabetes cure" at no risk.and with a 100% money back guarantee. if this simple plan fails to turn your diabetes around. does this sound too good to be true? wellthat's what all of dr. ripich's patients thought before they began his program, but listento what they are saying now. dr. ripich said to me "adrienne, if you dowhat i tell you to do, your insulin receptors will come online and you will be able to getthis down." and that's exactly what's happened. my wife saw this ad for the book "the 30-daydiabetes cure". like in a month mine, my diabetes
came down. i was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. i do nothave it anymore. i followed dr. ripich's diabetes plan and it's gone. these people discovered the only real hopeof evading the dreadful fate that 99% of all diabetics eventually come to and that escapehatch is cleaning up their diet and getting off the couch. researches call this lifestyle modificationand in study after study no diabetes treatment is anywhere near as powerful as diet and lifestylemodification. study after study proves that no drug can hold a candle to it's before you start groaning, oh no, not
that again, because you have visions of starvingyourself or going vegetarian or forcing yourself to lose lots of weight or exercising to thepoint of exhaustion everyday, let me assure you that this is absolutely not necessary.this is a huge misconception. so why aren't you hearing about this? wellthe reason has everything to do with money. you see, diabetes is a $400 billion dollarindustry that affects 300 million diabetics worldwide. that's a lot of money. and thepeople making all this money don't want you to know that simply by changing your dietand modifying your lifestyle a little, can get you completely off their drugs. they'dlose a fortune if the word got out that lifestyle modification isn't the painful, sweat drencheddrudgery they make it out to be.
the truth is, reversing your diabetes doesn'trequire super will power, starvation, constant hunger. in fact, nothing could be fartherfrom the truth. but they've managed to convince diabetics and their doctors that changingtheir diet isn't really necessary as long as they stay on those diabetes drugs and insulin. but this is a brazen lie. these diabetes drugsrepresent the fast lane to miserable diabetic complications and premature death and numerousstudies prove it. i'll show you the proof in a minute, but thetruth you're not hearing is that diet and lifestyle modification aren't just your besthope of reversing type 2 diabetes and returning to a normal, drug-free life. this is youronly hope of being free of this nasty disease
and all it's complications and all those drugs.before "the 30-day diabetes cure" got the truth out, most diabetics never suspectedhow powerful a few simple changes in their diet and lifestyle could be. they thoughtthis involved too much work and sacrifice, but listen to what dr. ripich's patients haveto say about how easy his approach is. for me, it was very easy. i would say thatwithin a couple of weeks i began feeling a little more energy. yeah, i lost 15 pounds.and i felt better. and it was quite easy to make small changes to follow dr. ripich'splan. the diet is not hard to maintain at all. inthe first 2 weeks i lost about 8 pounds. by the end of august i really had lost probablyabout 17 pounds.
more active, i've lost weight. about 20 pounds.and i want to lose at least another 15-20 because i can tell the difference, i can feelthe difference. yeah, you begin seeing results almost immediately.when i would go out, people would remark on it. that i had lost the weight. and of course,that's just music to one's ears. i thought i had a healthy diet. i was watchingeverything that i ate. i was watching my exercise. once dr. ripich's diet was pointed out tome and i followed it, i was able to eliminate the problem and walked away from diabetes. does that sound like drudgery to you? of coursenot. wouldn't it be great to kick diabetes out of your life just like these people have?wouldn't it feel wonderful to return to a
normal life again, to have a second chance,to change the direction of your life away from the misery that lies ahead and towarda future filled with good health, happiness, and increased longevity? i assure you that you can and starting today. so why isn't your doctor telling you aboutthis? your doctor knows that the very best treatment for type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetesis diet, not drugs. just ask him. dozens of clinical studies prove that diet and lifestylemodifications are safer, cheaper and vastly more effective than current drug'd have to be living in a cave not to have heard about the success they are having.
so why does our healthcare system continueto rely on drugs even though they are failing miserably to stop diabetes and to save patientslives. well there are 5 mind-boggling reasons. firstof all, health insurance companies don't reimburse doctors for educating patients about dietand lifestyle. there is just no money in it. reason #2: most doctors simply don't havetime to educate you. you know doctors only spend an average of 8-12 minutes with a patientand this just isn't enough time. reason #3: most doctors are confused aboutwhat really works. some think patients have to lose weight to reverse their diabetes.some think that a low-fat diet is the answer. others believe you have to become a vegetarianor eat raw foods. all of these ideas are absolutely
false and i'll prove it to you. reason #4: physicians tend to be very conservative.they like to play it safe and follow the official treatment strategies established by the americanmedical association. and these treatments always involve drugs. any doctor that deviatesfrom these guidelines runs the chance of losing his license or getting sued. that's why mostdoctors never step outside the box and try safe, affordable, simple methods such as changingyour diet. this is why conventional medicine progressesso slowly and is so behind the times. reason #5: unfortunately because doctors areso busy, their only source of information about new diabetes treatments comes from drugsalesmen. did you realize that drug companies
spend $16 billion dollars every year to directlyinfluence doctors. that's $10,000 dollars for every physician in the united it any wonder why doctors never recommend anything besides drugs? i'm not saying your doctor doesn't care aboutyou. the real problem is with our medical system. it just isn't set up to administertoday's best diabetes treatment, which is a diabetes healing diet and simple lifestylechanges. so tragically patients are forced to settle for the second best treatment, whichare diabetes drugs. but according to current health statistics,these drugs are failing miserably. type 2 diabetes is spreading like wildfire aroundthe globe. there are 7 million new cases every
year. every 10 seconds two more people diefrom it's nasty complications. right now, more than 60 million americansare walking around with this silently destructive disease or are on the brink of it with pre-diabetesand most of these people are completely unaware. 1 million diabetics are dying every year andit's all so unnecessary. dr. ripich and i had to do something aboutthis, so we decided to turn his patient-proven program into a book. a book that shows peoplelike you exactly how to reverse type 2 diabetes so your doctor can withdraw your drugs. andi say exactly because that is the key to this program's success. you see, dozens of new books are publishedevery year about preventing and improving
diabetes, but every one of them contains alot of conflicting and inaccurate information. some of these books say you have to go vegetarianand they blame eating meat and fatty foods for the diabetes problem. but clinical studiesshow this is absolutely false. in fact, meat and foods containing healthful fats are adiabetic's best friend. you'll discover why in "the 30-day diabetescure". other books claim you'll be fine if you keep your blood sugar low by taking drugs.but studies such as the recent accord study proves that this is the quickest way to serioushealth problems and even death. other diabetes books say you have to lose weight before you'llsee results. the truth is, you don't. losing weight isn't necessary for reversingdiabetes and i'll prove it to you in a little
bit. no wonder why so many diabetics giveup in frustration. who wouldn't? these approaches can't possibly work because they are basedon wrong ideas and bad science. but "the 30-day diabetes cure" is brings you step-by-step instructions that makes reversing type 2 diabetes as easy asfollowing your car's gps navigation directions. you see, dr. ripich and i have created a day-by-dayplan that's very easy to follow. it's practically fool proof and here's why: every day you eitheradd one diabetes reversing element to your normal schedule or you eliminate one actionthat's making your condition worse. and we front-loaded this 30-day plan with the actionsthat have the most important impact early on. this way, you're going to see and feelthe results right away and at the end of 30
days, you'll be living a diabetes healinglifestyle without turning your daily schedule upside down. sound easy? that's the secret of it's amazingsuccess. this one-day-at-a-time approach makes it painless and easy for you to turn yourdiabetes around. every day of "the 30-day diabetes cure" is a mini education that guidesyou in what to do and what to eat and it also explains why. your doctor certainly doesn'thave time to do this for you. and i've never seen any book or diabetes program that usesthis easy, unique step-by-step method. our approach literally takes you by the hand andit's the secret of dr. ripich's 100% success rate with his type 2 diabetes patients.
having this knowledge puts you in the driver'sseat. this day-by-day approach of "the 30-day diabetes cure" is crucial because it putsyou in control. you are the one making the decisions and you are going to stick withthis plan because you understand the medical reasons and the consequences for every singlething you do. your hands are on the steering wheel and you'llbe making these healing decisions based on sound scientific evidence. and you can trustthat the advice in "the 30-day diabetes cure" will really work for 2 important reasons.first, it's all backed by ultra reliable scientific studies. our advice doesn't come from sometheory or opinion. everything you'll read in "the 30-day diabetes cure" is groundedin solid, clinical research. proven on actual
patients. you can count on these diabetesreversing strategies because they've helped real life diabetes patients conquer theircondition, unlike most of the self-help books that are merely collections of tips from avariety of writers. this is an actual step-by-step system thathas produced successful results. day-by-day you'll be doing the same things that dr. ripich'spatients did to actually halt and reverse their type 2 and pre-diabetes. while dramaticallyreducing insulin and other medications for people with type 1. and with "the 30-day diabetescure" you'll be cutting through all the misinformation out there because "the 30-day diabetes cure"corrects all that confusion and conflicting advice.
for example, here's something you're reallygoing to appreciate. please, stop trying to lose weight to reverse your diabetes. oneof the biggest myths about diabetes is that weight loss has to be your primary goal. buthow are you expected to lose weight on insulin producing medications that are creating evenmore body fat? it's true. most diabetes drugs make your body actually gain weight. and ifyou take these drugs, you know it's true. bad advice like this actually does more harmthan good. why? because trying to lose weight makes people feel guilty. especially guiltyabout eating. it lowers your self-esteem. it forces you to go on diets that are impossiblefor any of us to sustain. it leads to hunger, feeling deprived, cheating and ultimatelyfailure and hopelessness. where is the wisdom
in that? in reality, just the opposite istrue. healing your diabetes will naturally result in weight loss. you won't have to try. one of the big reasons why "the 30-day diabetescure" is so successful is that it never asks you to lose weight. instead, each daily lessonteaches you how to eat a healthy diet. "the 30-day diabetes cure" helps you train yourbody to crave foods that can actually heal your blood sugar and diabetes and transformsyour entire life into a diabetes healing lifestyle in just 30 days. you see, weight loss, as good as it is foryou, should never be the goal. when health is your ultimate goal, those excess poundsfall away naturally. want proof? you don't
have to take my word for it. here's what peoplewho have lost significant weight on "the 30-day diabetes cure" have to say: the diet was pretty amazing for me becausei've been on weight-loss diets before and always hated every minute of it. it wasn'thard at all. i've lost at least 20 pounds. for me it was very easy. i would say thatwithin a couple of weeks i began feeling a little more energy. yeah, i lost 15 poundsand i felt better and it was quite easy to make the small changes to follow dr. ripich'splan. in the first 2 weeks i lost about 8 the end of august i really had lost about 17 pounds by the end of august. so a littleover a 2 month period.
this is a very easy diet to follow becauseyou are eating regular foods and you feel better because you are eating things thatyour body can metabolize and don't make you sick. and please remember, diabetes isn't your fault.the real key to reversing diabetes isn't more will power, it's brain power. you see, yourbody has been genetically programmed to seek out sweet and fatty foods since the cavemandays and to hoard those calories by storing them as fat. these are powerful, natural drivesthat protected us from starvation back when humans were hunter-gatherers and when foodwas scarce. this same survival mechanism has conditionedus to conserve energy whenever we can. this
is why most people have a natural aversionto physical activity and hate to exercise. we can't fight our genetic programming butwe can outsmart it and that's another secret of the remarkably high success rate of "the30-day diabetes cure". day-by-day you'll be retraining your brain to actually enjoy eatingand acting in your body's best interests. today, i'm inviting you to see it all absolutelyrisk free. i could go on and on and on because there are literally hundreds of diabetes bustingtips and secrets in "the 30-day diabetes cure" that you can benefit from immediately. butthis message is already long enough. and if you've listened this far, you're obviouslya little curious about this unique approach and the success it can produce.
so how can you be sure if "the 30-day diabetescure" is right for you? easy. let me send you the book so you can inspect it with yourown eyes and try "the 30-day diabetes cure" without any risk at all. you see, reversing diabetes really is as simpleas i'm telling you. unfortunately, the people who are profiting from diabetes don't wantyou to learn the truth. that's why i also want you to have 4 special reports that willtell you the truth and bring you the facts that you're not hearing about diabetes. what you're going to find out in these reportswill be more than a little shocking. you're going to learn the real reason why diabetesis spreading so rapidly despite the $400 billion
dollars we're spending to treat it every year.and why current medical treatments are failing. the statistics prove that current medicaltreatments and drugs are failing to stop it. and you'll find out why the most effectivecure for type 2 diabetes isn't even on anybody's radar screen. you'll also read about the dangersin current diabetes drugs and treatments. the 8 deadly mistakes that most doctors aremaking with diabetes. and why drug therapy can't protect you from complications or pre-maturedeath and much more. here's what you'll get: report #1: deadly diabetes liesreport #2: the dangers of diabetes drugs report #3: mistakes doctors are making withdiabetes
report #4: dodging diabetes complications and you won't have to wait for the postmanto deliver these special reports because they're immediately available to you simply by downloadingthem from your computer. and downloading them will be a cinch. because i'll also providesuper easy directions. so easy that even a child can do it. plus, you'll also receive4 more bonus gifts to give an added boost to your diabetes reversing efforts. just clickon the link on this video to order your satisfaction-guaranteed copy of "the 30-day diabetes cure" right nowand i'll also give you these additional free gifts. that's a total of 8 free gifts worth $92.65.and you can download every one of these free
gifts immediately with your no risk purchaseof "the 30-day diabetes cure" and remember my 100% satisfaction guarantee. you and yourdoctor must be thoroughly impressed by how "the 30-day diabetes cure" has improved orcompletely reversed your condition or simply return the book in any condition and i'llrefund the full price. and you can keep all 8 free gifts with mycompliments and my thanks for your interest. this is a great deal. "the 30-day diabetescure" is a big big book with more than 350 pages and it's not available in book storesor anywhere else. in addition to being a detailed day-by-day instruction guide, "the 30-daydiabetes cure" also contains original diabetes healing recipes, dozens of meal suggestions,inspirational messages that will keep you
motivated to stick with the program, plusdetailed case histories from dr. ripich's files. together with your 8 free bonus gifts,there are nearly 700 pages of patient-proven instructions for reversing pre-diabetes andtype 2 so you can reduce or completely eliminate your medications or dramatically reduce yourinsulin dose if you have type 1. remember, "the 30-day diabetes cure" is notavailable in book stores. the only way you can purchase a copy is through this specialonline invitation. so i hope you'll take advantage of this special opportunity right now becauseyour destiny is in your own hands. so if you're ready to reduce or completelyeliminate your type 2 diabetes medications, to stop taking those drugs for cholesterol,high blood pressure, kidney dysfunction - all
of those diabetes-related complications. toslash your insulin dose dramatically, to quit sticking your fingers and monitoring yourblood sugar like a hawk. and to stop feeling bad about your weight and forcing yourselfto diet. and to say no to the exercise police and their constant nagging. and to chuck thosebland, boring and super restrictive diabetes meals so you can start eating real food again.and to never fear those miserable, life-shortening complications of diabetes ever again. helpis just one click away. healing power of your own human body. so youcan return to a normal, drug-free life. don't let diabetes or today's ineffective drug treatmentsdestroy the quality of your life for another moment.
click the link on this video right now toorder a no-risk, satisfaction-guaranteed copy of "the 30-day diabetes cure" and begin healingyour diabetes the safe, sure drug-free way. and don't forget my money back guarantee. if you don't experience a dramatic improvementin your diabetes in 30 days or less, just return "the 30-day diabetes cure" in any conditionand i'll see that you get a full price refund to your credit card for the price of the book.along with an immediate confirmation email. that's a full price guarantee and you cankeep your 8 free gifts with my compliments. you've got absolutely nothing to lose so starthealing your diabetes right away. send for this absolutely risk free opportunity to trythe most effective diabetes reversing program
on earth. just click the link on this video for yourcopy of "the 30-day diabetes cure" and to download your 8 free gifts right now. i'm jim healthy and thank you for listening.please remember, it's never too late. you have the chance to turn your diabetes aroundand enjoy a normal drug-free life again. and "the 30-day diabetes cure" will show you how. remember, there's absolutely no risk to please, click the link on this video to give "the 30-day diabetes cure" a try rightnow.